Proven to make you learn 2x faster

Our smart learning algorithms are proven to make you remember topics better. If you get a question wrong, we’ll show you the content again but in a different format. We’ll even do it at a time when it’s optimal for you to learn it. We’ve also hand-selected the best GIFs and memes on the internet so revision makes you laugh instead of stressed.

The fastest growing
homework & revision platform in the UK

Pick from 1000+ KS2, KS3, GCSE & A Level courses based on exam board specifications. We’ve condensed the content to what you actually need to know for your exams. Your teacher can also create classes and set homework for any revision topic on the study platform creating the perfect lesson plan.

As a parent, you can easily connect to your child's account by sharing your unique link with them. This will allow you to get real-time updates of their progress across all those courses.

We tested our system in a Randomised Control Trial with 1,120 participants. Those using EduMentor scored 2x more marks than those using a revision guide after 1 month. This is why we say EduMentor helps your child 'learn 2x faster'!

Why we are different

We combine world-class teaching with the latest research & technology to deliver
the most effective, enjoyable and effortless learning experience possible for any student.

Cognitive Science & AI

ALearning tailored to you, with 70+ techniques such as elaborative encoding, retrieval practice, and interleaved learning built in.

Engaging Content

Students describe Up Learn as like “watching Netflix, but for education”.

Syllabus Specific

What you need, grouped by topic, so you improve as fast as possible

Our subjects

We have exam-board specific courses for AQA, CAIE, Edexcel, and OCR. If you’re on a different exam board, choose whichever matches your syllabus the most!